Rebellious Artists' and Creatives' Café

monthly online space

  free and open to artists and creatives from any discipline

A monthly online gathering space for artists and creatives to come together to connect, share and feel part of a community.



For all artists and creatives (from any discipline) who:


  • Believe art can make a positive difference for individuals and society, and maybe even change the world
  • Find themselves feeling isolated and alone in their work, experience, questions
  • Love this work, and feel frustrated by it and the industry ‘norms’ and structures we can find ourselves fighting to exist in
  • Want to work in ways that support their wellbeing, rather than destroying it


This is an open space to share hope, frustration, joy, rage, challenges, questions.

Each month will have a theme to loosely direct our focus. You’re welcome to suggest a theme, just email me or DM me on Instagram @ellenfranklyncarr.


 Upcoming dates

Friday 19th July 12pm – 12:45pm BST. Open group coaching. Bring whatever challenge you’re experiencing right now in relation to your artistic practice and creative work.

Friday 16th August 12pm – 12:45pm BST. Theme: success.

Friday 11th October 12pm – 12:45pm BST. Theme: change.


About your host

 Hi, I’m Ellen!

 Holistic and trauma sensitive coach for artists and creatives. Creative practitioner. Trauma sensitive yoga teacher. Multipassionate. Quiet rebel against patriarchal capitalism. 

 I support artists & creatives to make great work (the kind that feels heart-led & true to them) and thrive whilst doing so. Because in my experience, that ain’t the norm. 

 I have over a decade of experience working in the creative industries (mainly theatre). I’ve been in the online business space since 2018.  I make creative work that aims to facilitate positive transformation in individuals and society.


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